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BPC: Business Process Center.
The interface between your employees and business processes.



The BPC [Business Process Center] has been specially developed for the needs of web-based business applications. With the BPC, we provide you with a consistent, highly flexible and seamlessly integrated application framework for creating web-based specialist applications and portal solutions. The BPC has a modular structure and consists of various innovative and prefabricated functional modules.


With the BPC, we reach the next generation of business process management: A central software solution for monitoring, analysis, control, processing and documentation of IT-controlled business processes. Gaining a quick overview of the current process situation is one of the most important functions for quickly alerting users of business process-controlled applications to any need for action.

The BPC is the convenient and integrative interface between employees and your company’s various tried-and-tested technically mature business processes.



All BPC Modules


Central, aggregate overview of all processes. [MORE…]


Comfortable operation, clear presentation and direct action features for optimal process monitoring. [MORE…]


Diverse interaction and collaboration features for efficient operation. [MORE…]


Facilitation of connected collaboration between teams with different expertise and responsibilities – also across locations. [MORE…]


Integrated features for the documentation of applications, processes and functions as well as the export of data. [MORE…]


Comprehensive functions for the storage, maintenance and processing of data from various areas of application. [MORE…]


Direct integration of a universally applicable time series management system within your BPC-based applications. [MORE…]


Features for the evaluation of the entire database for a qualitative assessment of circumstances. [MORE…]

Process monitoring and control with the BPC.

To ensure transparency in company workflows, departments need a holistic view of the respective business processes. The BPC modules for process monitoring and process control make this possible both technically and functionally. The technical data of business processes are saved [e.g. current process status] and made available to users in the Business Process Center.

For the user, it is not only possible to view information; processes can also be actively controlled, meaning the user is able to intervene [e.g. reboot processes, display and edit data] or confer with other users about the status of the processes ad hoc.

Process Dashboard.

With its integrated Dashboard, the BPC offers individually adjustable and subject-specific overviews of process data, analyses, evaluations and status reports. Gaining a quick comprehensive overview of the current process situation is one of the most important functions to alert the system’s users to potential necessary actions. For this purpose, the dashboard provides ready-made widgets which enable efficient monitoring of all processes. As a special feature, the dashboard elements contain a live update function so that the data are automatically updated if they change on the server.

The Dashboard contains the following further information:

  • Default function for the configuration of widget parameters to customise individual properties and display them on the dashboard, e.g. to parameterise the displayed time frame
  • Expandability by way of specific widgets for a variety of applications
  • Drill-down option from the dashboard for displaying process details: For example, it is possible to jump directly from the dashboard to a detailed monitoring overview which displays the erroneous processes of the current day
Dashboard: Variable presentation by means of individually assembled widgets for a central, aggregate overview of all processes!

To implement the requirements for professional business process monitoring, the Business Process Center contains the Monitoring module as a convenient and powerful component for the simple supervision of automated process flows.

Monitoring: Komfortable Bedienung, übersichtliche Darstellung und direkte Aktionsfunktionen zur optimalen Prozesskontrolle!
Monitoring: Comfortable handling, clear presentation and direct action features for optimal process monitoring!

All types of processes can be integrated into the monitoring, e.g. master data imports and changes, automatic interface and data exchange processes, as well as the implementation of complex process flows within an application. Together with the BPC dashboard, the Monitoring module thus poses as the central control instrument for all processes!

The tabular presentation in the BPC Monitoring makes it possible for the user to quickly find the desired process information with the help of comprehensive search, filter and sorting options. These can also be saved as favorites, so that recurring questions of evaluation can be answered quickly.

The following key features can be utilised:

  • Central process monitoring for all business and technical processes
  • Several different monitoring instances for optimally adapted process monitoring
  • Powerful full-text search across all artefacts and processes
  • Configuration of complex filter and sorting requests as well as the option of global or user-specific storage
  • Simple integration of area-specific extensions for accessing additional context information
  • Structured overview of the process details for analysis and interaction purposes

Double-clicking on a data set opens a detail view which presents additional process information, in particular all detailed steps of the process as well as any associated master data, time series or file references.

Monitoring: Direkter Überblick zu Prozessschritten sowie zugehörigen Stammdaten, Zeitreihen und Dateireferenzen.
Monitoring: Direct overview of process steps as well as associated master data, time series and file references.

Process Interaction.

Beyond its extensive monitoring functions, the BPC also offers the possibility to access processes for controlling purposes, e.g. to restart processes. These interaction functions are available both via the details view of a single process and overarchingly for multiple selected processes, for example by flexibly extending the details view with application-specific plug-ins for the creation of custom overviews [e.g. special application templates or forms for handling complex process flows].

The Interaction module provides you with the following functional plug-ins for process control:

  • Configurable form for editing process data
  • Process starter for starting new processes [also usable in the context of existing processes]
  • Process actions for manually starting follow-up actions
  • Manual status change to correct erroneous process states
Interaction: Bearbeitung verschiedener Aufgaben zu Prozessen und Vorgängen.
Interaction: Handling various tasks related to processes and procedures.

In order to enable efficient working with the monitoring tool and to offer users maximal flexibility in their daily work, the BPC also offers features for the networked collaboration between different locations, departments, roles and sources of know-how using the Process Collaboration module.

An analysis of the different modes of operation of our clients as well as within Virtimo’s own professional service teams has demonstrated the need for an integrated communication option for scattered teams.

Collaboration: Kommentieren von Prozessen, Werten oder Dokumenten.
Collaboration: Commenting on processes, values or documents.

In addition, Virtimo has integrated a feature for sharing views, for example to enable collaborative work of all parties involved in a support case [internal IT, particular departments, external service providers] without medial breaks or “crutches” such as taking and sharing screen shots.

To facilitate connected teamwork, the Collaboration module contains the following features:

  • Application-wide integrated search for meta-information from collaborative processes
  • Sharing meta-information and user-specific settings
  • Marking artifacts and adding context-specific extensions by meta-information
  • Commenting on artifacts
  • Sending messages and setting up tasks
  • Overview over collaborative activities, information generated and personal notifications for configured artifacts
Collaboration: Versenden von Nachrichten und Erstellen von Aufgaben.
Collaboration: Sending messages and setting up tasks

Process Documentation.

In the context of the conception and automation of complex business processes with diverse rules and dependencies, it has proven helpful to document both the working process and the actual technical implementation using standardised process models.

The business processes are modeled graphically as a Business Process Diagram [BPD] in the BPMN 2.0 standard or as a process map. All model types are hierarchical, can be linked and are stored in the central repository. You can also use inubit BPM to map corporate structures and IT landscapes. All models can be supplemented with useful descriptions, instructions or documents.

With the help of the Process Documentation module, this information can be seamlessly integrated into a web-based business application. For this purpose, the module makes it possible to display the process sequences and to access the stored information directly in the application created with the BPC. In addition, the process models can be exported, including the additional information, and as such, for example, be made available as a process manual.

The following features are available within the BPC’s Process Documentation module:

  • Integrated features for the documentation of applications, processes and functions
  • Process model visualization of business and technical processes
  • Export of process information via Process-Report-Generator
Documentation: Integrierte Funktionen zur Applikations-, Prozess- und Funktionsdokumentation sowie für den Export von Daten.
Documentation: Integrated features for the documentation of applications, processes and functions as well as the export of data.

Management of application master data with the BPC.

Management of master and process data is one of the central challenges in the development of modern business applications. Not only is this an issue of efficient and secure storage of the data, but increasingly also one of being able to make flexible changes and of integrating this data into complex process flows and application functions.

Against this background, we have created the BPC module Process Data Management as an ideal symbiosis: flexible management and maintenance of application data as well as a seamless integration with both application interfaces for manual processing done by the user and automated process flows through standardised interfaces.

Master data is mapped by describing its content and structure, on the basis of XML-data structures [templates]. By activating these templates, the data storage in the database as well as the interfaces for master data maintenance and for searching master data objects are generated. This highly flexible approach enables the described master data to be mapped in a very short amount of time and without programming. You profit from this flexibility, as it warrants the mapping of further master data on the basis of future requirements while at the same time enabling a cost-effective implementation.

For ease of use and flexible applicability to various use cases, the interfaces consist of a central search form for finding the relevant master data and a corresponding detail view which displays the configured business content.

On the overview page, flexible search and filter options are available which make it easy to find the desired data sets. To simplify operation in more frequent application cases, searches can be saved as favorites and called up again at any time. This is possible both for each individual user and jointly in a team, so that all team members have access to identical favorites. Clicking on a data record opens the corresponding detail view, which displays all relevant technical information.

Data Management: Webbasierte Erfassung und Speicherung von strukturierten Daten und Objektbeziehungen.
Data Management: Web-based recording and storage of structured data and object relationships.
Data Management: Verwalten von Stammdaten und Protokolldetails
Data Management: Managing master data and protocol details

In the detail view, all defined business data are displayed. The following support features are available:

  • Hierarchical organisation of data to warrant a clear overview even with many attributes involved
  • Link to other templates, e.g. to assign all network points within an area, all balancing groups to a client, or similar tasks
  • Support of all established data types during template creation [string, date, lists, numbers, check boxes]
  • Tool tips for depositing business information with each attribute
  • Automated versioning when editing data, including web-based retrieving of older versions
  • Automatic data validation of input boxes
  • Standardised interfaces for data access
  • In-memory data cache for high performance access to data

The BPC Data Management module enables the acquisition and modification of master data by browser as well as an automated transfer via interfaces. For this, the BPC’s Data Management offers a direct tie-in with inubit to guarantee easy integration into interface workflows for the connection to internal systems and external partners on the basis of various technologies.

Time series management with the BPC.

Particularly in the context of the energy industry, time series management and analysis play a major role. A module created in cooperation with our partner HAKOM enables web-based access to one of the leading time series management systems and as such offers a seamless integration of time series-based process data into your application.

WEBTSM Viewer.

The WebTSM Viewer is used to display time series values, meta information and the graphical representation of the selected period. The option to select multiple time series at once allows for an efficient analysis and comparison of data and value trends.

WebTSM Viewer: Anzeige und graphische Darstellung von Zeitreihen und Metainformationen.
WebTSM Viewer: Display and visualization of time series and meta-information.

The following functions are available to users in the WebTSM Viewer:

  • Web-based access to times series data and meta-information
  • High-performance search of time series, also based on metadata and attributes
  • Clear presentation of several time series for comparison
  • Visualization of selected time series data using integrated charts
  • Availability of time series as a dashboard widget as well as a plug-in in the Monitoring or Data Management modules

WEBTSM Manager.

The WebTSM Manager supplements the display of time series with functions for managing their meta information such as, e.g., units, attributes, formulas and more. In order to allow for efficient manipulation of large numbers of time series, features such as a full-text search across all metadata and bulk operations, among others, are supported.

WebTSM Manager: Verwaltung der Metainformationen von Zeitreihen
WebTSM Manager: Managing time series’ meta-information

The following features are available to users within the WebTSM Manager:

  • Generating, editing and deleting time series, attributes and metadata
  • Comfortable editing of times series values [including roll-out functions]
  • Flexible creation of formulas, attributes and versions [including time slices]
  • Management of patterns and templates [in Excel-format]
  • Export of time series and values


In the context of energy industrial applications, the efficient and flexible handling of time series is a basic requirement for a future-proof solution. The HAKOM Time Series Management TSM is one of the leading time series systems on the market and is characterised in particular by the following functions:

  • efficient and high-performance storage of time series with different scaling options for increasing performance requirements
  • Flexible representation of formulas based on MS Excel for the flexible calculation of results and other time series

The HAKOM TSM supports time series whose finest granularity can be in a grid of seconds. Various units of virtually any type are supported. The specific entry in the table of movement data can be parameterised either left-justified, right-justified or spontaneously, meaning only when changes are made, to save space.

Processing of such differently stored time series is done collectively within the same, customisable time grid. Aggregations can be carried out depending on units and assigned master data. Within the Excel add-in for the manual editing of time series, very high requirements for copying, filling in, deleting and moving data can also be met using the usual Excel features for editing column-oriented information. Please note that the Excel functionalities of the TSM add-in are only available at licensed work stations.

Integration of systems and applications.

Process Data Analysis.

Information and data are not only essential to an effective data exchange with market partners, but equally relevant for making entrepreneurial decisions. For a qualitative assessment of circumstances, it is therefore advantageous to evaluate and present information on the entire corporate database quickly and clearly. Comparisons are made clear, distributions are displayed and developments are shown.

Data Analysis: Chart – Visualisierung eines Reports
Data Analysis: Chart – visualization of a report

With the BPC module Data Analysis, the information and data are combined into a chart and visualized on the web. It is important to choose a suitable diagram type because this determines how well the data information can be interpreted. Available diagram types are, for example, line, bar, column, or circle charts and tables.

For the configuration of the specific evaluation request by means of which states or results are to be displayed, data is selected with the help of queries. The results of the queries can also be viewed to check whether the data basis of the chart is complete and correct. If it is, the charts in which the data are visualized are created on this basis.

In summary, the module contains the following features:

  • Creation, configuration and management of subject-specific data analyses and evaluations
  • Generation of custom charts, reports and evaluations on the basis of available process and analysis information
  • Access to data, filters and analysis results
  • Flexible graphic visualization of information

We provide answers.
Your contact at Virtimo.

Steffen Lehmann

Head of Sales
Virtimo AG