Our V-factors.
Who we are. What we are made of.
Our mission as an IT consulting company is to reduce complexity for you! Easier, faster, better – we analyse business processes, devise the technical realisation of client requests and implement products or custom solutions. Our industry focus lies on the energy sector; in addition, we support clients from the automotive, technical, insurance and trade sectors with our comprehensive business process expertise in the digital transformation.
Verantwortung. Like responsibility.
Responsibility has meant the opposite of standing still for us ever since our founding in 2010! The constant advancement of know-how, experience and quality is a Virtimo maxim.
Verbindung. Like connection.
Connection is essential for our work, within our team as well as with clients and partners. For us, a real connection is built on honesty and trust and on meeting each other at eye level.
Vielfalt. Like diversity.
We view diversity as the basis of our success, since each member of our 120-strong team is a real personality. We bring in our individual characteristics, skills and perspectives to achieve the best results. And fun is not neglected either!
Verstehen. Like understanding.
Understanding starts with listening: We are there for you, from initial analysis to conceptual design, implementing and introducing as well as operating your application, all the way to training your employees. Personally and reliably.
Vorausdenken. Like forward-thinking.
Forward-thinking is crucial for us: We keep an eye on what is important, we think unconventionally and always ask ourselves what would be smarter, faster, better: In this way, we can provide you with comprehensive functional and technical advice and support you with fitting solutions.
Vereinfachen. Like simplification.
Simplification is our premise for the development of our tailored solutions: Modern and form-fitted technologies, custom software, process tools and professional applications that will facilitate your work!
Verbrieft. Like certified.
With our information security management system [ISMS] we are certified according to ISO/IEC 27001:2022 in the area of software development and consulting: solutions for digital transformation. In addition we are committed to social causes, in science and research as well as various economic organisations. For example, we actively support diversity in the workplace by subscribing to the “Charta der Vielfalt” [‘charta of diversity’], and our research work has been awarded the seal of approval “Innovativ durch Forschung” [‘innovative through research’] by the Association for the Promotion of Science and Humanities in Germany.

We give everything for the right solution.
Team management.
Virtimo’s management team has its competencies ideally distributed: Three executives for the areas of sales + marketing, products + consulting and human resources + finance are responsible for creating an optimal frame for sustainable success. The result are individual and long-term client relationships, efficient IT consulting with specialised products, and happy employees.
Dirk Breitkreuz | Executive sales + marketing
Dirk’s roots lie in software development. He is closely familiar with the area of conflict between client requirements, technical feasibility and time-cost-restrictions in every project. Using this background knowledge, he develops custom solutions and suitable contract models which inspire enthusiasm in his clients.
Christoph Fuchss | Executive human resources + finance
Christoph founded Virtimo in 2010. As an IT specialist with years of experience in consulting projects he knows the requirements of both his clients and his employees exactly. With this knowledge, he has built a company which achieves organic growth on its own accord and is constantly evolving.
Tobias Weinert | Executive consulting + products
Tobias is responsible for the areas of products and consulting. With his long-standing experience as a project manager and team leader he knows the needs of clients as well as employees. His development team implements customised tools, which his consulting team uses in their projects to compile powerful solutions for satisfied clients.

Team Sales.
We are your first contact at Virtimo: Personal, reliable and with a real interest in your matters! Your concerns are important to us. We listen closely and familiarise ourselves intensively with your goals and the standards of your sector in order to offer you the best-fitting solution in joint effort with our colleagues.
We aim for trusting, long-standing and successful client and partner relationships. To achieve these, not only are personal contact and extensive care vital; it is equally important to identify, anticipate and drive forward the next important topic in the market in order to optimally advise you.
Team Consulting.
We are here for you to make your IT project a success! In all project phases, from analysis, planning and conceptual design, to implementation, go-live and maintenance of the solution, we are by your side and support you with our expertise. We bring to the table our many years of experience, in-depth understanding of the business context, even beyond system boundaries, and a whole lot of commitment.
Our goal: to implement sustainable and robust software solutions and processes with great transparency which are perfectly tailored to your requirements. Training for your employees and means to measure your project’s success complete our offer for you.

Team Development.
We consistently work in a client-oriented way with a focus on problem solving. We are characterised by great expertise in the IT sector and the ability to think unconventionally. The Virtimo Business Process Center, as an end-to-end platform, provides the basis for the newest generation of web-based business applications.
For the BPC, our product development realises innovative modules which can be integrated in a highly flexible way and customised to your needs, as well as powerful features especially tailored to industry-specific process and data standards. We keep close contact with innovative research institutions and thus ensure transfer of the newest solutions and approaches to our development work.
We are particularly strong together.
Our partners.

We thank you for your trust!
An extract from our references.

SEFE Energy GmbH

We provide answers.
Your contact at Virtimo.

Christoph Fuchss
Board Member
Virtimo AG