As part of the Virtimo Digitalization Cloud, the low-code service is used to connect cloud services and graphically model data flows. Thanks to the new features, users can make their digital processes even more efficient.


The visual editors for XML and JSON make it possible to create and edit this data within a visual structure representation. Users benefit from a compact and informative visualization. Results can be queried directly from the data via XPath or JSONata. A UI rework also ensures an even better user experience. The connections settings and queues can be divided into tabs. The services are now prominent parts of the diagram and therefore easier to edit. In addition, all management and settings functions are summarized in an overview.

In IGUASU 3, users benefit from a visual structural representation of JSON data, for example. Results can be queried directly via JSONata.


It goes without saying that IGUASU 3 is technologically up to date. This is ensured by Java 21 LTS, for example, which has taken up the future topic of virtual threads and thus enables optimal use of parallelism with proven programming paradigms. In addition, the use of Spring 6 and Jakarta Servlet 6 APIs leads to the best possible performance. This means that IGUASU 3 is not only ideally positioned for all future topics, but also maximally secure thanks to being up-to-date and the latest versions.


Updates can be installed at times of your choosing according to your own planning and can even be rolled back again in case of doubt. This keeps IGUASU 3 up to date so you can always rely on maximum security. Once a new version has been announced, you can of course test it in advance on a test or development instance.


IGUASU 3 makes it possible to execute flows stateless and thus offers a particularly fast and scalable execution variant. This variant can be the right solution, especially if no status is to be maintained and the execution is idempotent. Taking the example of a synchronous REST service: If there is no successful HTTP code at the end [200], the request is resent anyway.


In IGUASU 3, KPIs and their changes over time can also be displayed graphically in dashboards. For a better understanding of the system’s resource consumption, RAM, CPU and hard disk data is tracked and visualized. To process the data in the data flow, read and written data, processed files and the number of queued data at certain points in the system are monitored. If the entire Virtimo Digitalization Cloud is used, VIMON offers additional self-configurable dashboards if required.

Dashboards provide a graphical presentation of key figures over a period of time and show, for example, that flows can be executed with tremendous speed in IGUASU 3.


As an ETL application, IGUASU is ideally prepared to process unstructured, multimodal data. This puts you in a perfect position to prepare your company’s data for use with Large Language Models [LLM] in the Retrieval Augmented Generation [RAG] process. This is all the more true as IGUASU 3 supports Python as the language of choice in the AI world. This leads to processors for vector databases [which are used at RAG], as well as the possibility of direct communication with ChatGPT, for example.

“With IGUASU 3, the user simply has even more fun! Creating and editing flows is even more intuitive, there are more processors and it is even easier to track what is happening in the system at any given time. The ability to process unstructured data, especially for pre-processing in an AI context, opens up exciting new fields.”

Marc Pellmann

Product Manager
Virtimo AG