🔮 New year, new IT strategy? Our look into the crystal ball shows us a future in which the cloud forms the backbone of corporate IT. How convenient that we held an event about our Virtimo Digitalization Cloud at the end of January. Together with Fichtner IT Consulting GmbH and HAKOM Time Series, we took a two-hour livestream into the depths – or rather, the heights – of the cloud world. There, we explored the many possibilities offered by cloud solutions for efficiently and effectively integrating, managing and using ever larger volumes of data.
We started with the question: Where do we actually stand on the topic of digital transformation and cloud move? We then delved deeper with insights into the Virtimo Digitalization Cloud platform. Our partner Fichtner used the EDDIE project to demonstrate how the cloud and orchestration for the digitalization of renewable energies are interlinked. The contribution from our partner HAKOM then dealt specifically with the most efficient time series management possible. Finally, we addressed the question of how companies can use streaming to become a real-time company.
Many thanks to everyone who took part! We hope we were able to inspire you to develop ideas for your own IT environment. ☁️⚡️
Did you miss the event? No problem, the recording is available for you! Please note that this event was held in German.