Redispatch 2.0: enercity and AXPO are ready to start with Topcom and Virtimo
Full power for the turnaround in energy policy: Virtimo simplifies the Redispatch 2.0 guidelines. This also convinced the enercity AG and the AXPO Deutschland GmbH.
enercity and AXPO Deutschland are implementing the new Redispatch 2.0 guidelines together with Virtimo partner Topcom. AXPO Deutschland will calculate the process with the Virtimo Redispatch 2.0 solution in the direct marketing, while enercity will additionally use the process in the energy production. Moreover, enercity plans to automatise more processes in connection with the switch to renewable energies in future expansion stages – for example the SOGL data exchange.
The implementation will be handled by Topcom, who is specialised on processes for energy suppliers.
Since October 1st, 2021 the new guidelines for Redispatch 2.0 are mandatory for the energy market. According to the resolution of the Federal Network Agency master and planning data, non-utilization, and real-time data have to be transmitted.
Simplified processes for our customers – we ensure a full compliance with all Redispatch 2.0 requirements. Moreover, all processes and defined user cases for VNB and EIV will be covered.
You can find out more details about our Redispatch 2.0 solution here or in person:

Head of Sales
Virtimo AG