Publication Service: Easy data transparency.

Publication Service: Mastering publication obligations with ease.

Future-proof despite constant changes in the market.


  • High expertise: Has been in use as a solution for the publication of transparency data for over ten years.
  • Full-service concept: Technological and professional fulfillment of all requirements, one central contact person.
  • Modular design to cover all current and future requirements and specifications.
  • Fast onboarding with an average duration of less than three months.
  • Maximum security and automated updates thanks to the cloud-based concept of the Publication Service.
Excerpt of clientsGASCADE Gastransport GmbH
Open Grid Europe GmbH
Thyssengas GmbH
PURPOSESafe, reliable and efficient supply of energy
  • Portals
  • Services
  • Virtimo Digitalization Cloud

Energy suppliers under regulatory pressure.

In order to ensure a stable and transparent energy supply, the energy market is subject to more intensive regulatory supervision than other sectors. Legislation such as REMIT [Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency] requires the publication of important transparency data, including key figures on grid usage and capacity utilization, as well as the reporting of information on power plants’ production and periods of unavailability.

For energy suppliers, this usually means having to comply with a large number of national and European regulations simultaneously. In addition, some of them are active in several roles or business areas and also have to meet various requirements at a subject-specific level.

At the very beginning, we worked with a single client to work out what needed to be published and how we could handle it, also regarding technical details such as formats and protocols. Since then, the Publication Service has continued to grow in line with the new requirements.

Dr. Christian Kaufhold
Product Owner Publication Service | Virtimo AG

Many requirements, one modular solution.

What is changing, and when? Who is affected by the change? What impact does it have both in terms of operation and technologically? Our publication solution takes all these questions off our clients’ hands.

Launched over ten years ago and originally named the Publication Framework to reflect its modularity, this single platform enables users to fulfill various requirements. Clients have access to a wide range of standard modules at a regulatory and functional level. Only small parts, such as specific interfaces for connecting to backends, need to be established individually. This allows us to connect new clients in the shortest possible time – on average, the time between kick-off and go-live is less than three months.

Virtimo gives us more ‘legroom’ in our day-to-day business and offers both business-specific and technological simplification. On top of that, there is the lean service model: We have one central contact person with whom we can place our concerns.

David Magryta
Team Leader Data Management | Thyssengas GmbH

Publication Service: The next generation of the Publication Framework.

As a logical next step, we created the Publication Service in 2024, an important evolution of the Publication Framework. Cloud-based operation makes it possible for us to react much quicker and with more flexibility to changes in usage or load behavior than was previously the case.

Thanks to operation in an active/active landscape, our clients benefit from even greater reliability. In line with our service approach, we apply updates and patches regularly. Centralizing down to a single service also reduces maintenance costs.

We can thus offer maximum relief to both small, emerging companies that may not even have a dedicated IT department and as such are unable to meet their own obligations, as well as large companies with multiple market roles, a complex IT landscape and numerous dependencies.

By moving from the Publication Framework to the Publication Service, we have cleared the way for some clients’ cloud move ambitions. More and more backend systems are set to move to the cloud, and the Publication Service is often the first step in replacing an on-premise solution.

Michael Bunge
Service Owner Publication Service | Virtimo AG

Cloud move brings more security.

Up to now, updates in on-premise operation have had to be installed by the users themselves, sometimes on several servers at once, depending on the complexity of the company’s IT. Thanks to the cloud move, we can now ensure that the latest version of the Publication Service is always in use.

For many companies, this also leads to a huge progress in terms of security: Instead of running a solution directly in the company network, the Publication Service serves as an external security enclave.

If a security incident occurs in one area, the other can be protected. This means that the internal network is sealed off better, since the Publication Service, whose Web Publication module can receive hundreds of thousands of external accesses daily from the internet, operates separately.

No matter whether it’s REMIT II or hydrogen: Ready for the future!

Thanks to the modular structure of the Publication Service, we ensure that current regulations can be implemented immediately, and have simultaneously created the ideal basis for covering future requirements.

New regulatory requirements are often linked to tight schedules, which is a major challenge for everyone involved. Thanks to prefabricated workflows, we can usually provide new modules in a very short time – not only for the client for whom the requirement has cropped up, but potentially for all Publication Services users.

This means we can continue to be a reliable partner in all publication matters even to clients who want to expand their business through new markets or forms of energy.

We have to clearly emphasize the reliability of the Publication Service, both on a technical and human level. The service also scores highly in terms of availability and clarity. We have all the relevant information at a glance at all times, which makes our work much easier. We are completely satisfied!

Markus Strümper
Market & Transparency Officer | Open Grid Europe GmbH

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