Vote for Diversity: German Diversity Day 2024.

A glance at the calendar reminds us that today is German Diversity Day – an important day of action that also raises the question: isn’t every day Diversity Day at Virtimo? After all, diversity is deeply rooted in our DNA. We see the more than 120 experts who are part of our team as the key basis of our success, with all their individual characteristics, skills and perspectives.

Since 2019, we have also been a member of Charta der Vielfalt e.V., which proclaims German Diversity Day every year. We are therefore committed to cultivating an organizational culture that is characterized by mutual respect and appreciation of all employees, but also to recognizing and standing up for the diversity of society outside of our organization.

Nevertheless, the question is justified, because one thing is certain: we want to continue to develop together in order to embrace diversity in the world of business even more strongly and continue to advocate equal rights and an open, pluralistic society.

So the answer can only be: we continue to talk. Because our V not only stands for Vielfalt [diversity], but also for Verbesserung [improvement]. ✌️